Well, so much for updates about the kittens. They’ve been keeping me busy—that’s for sure. I’ve really enjoyed having them around and they’ve truly made my summer so much better.
I think it’s better to just get the sad news out of the way first. A few days after my first post about the kittens, they had to put Lily to sleep. She had what’s called FIP and is a disease she was born with that causes fluid to collect in the cavities in her body. The treatment is very painful and the vet said it was more humane to put her down. We were not expecting this at all but we took solace in the fact that she had a loving family for her last days.
Little Lily sleeping with me. |
Anyway, on to happier times. Jackson and Dexter have grown so much over the past month. They’ve doubled in size and have grown so close to each other. They think they’re brothers, it’s very adorable. They wrestle together until they wear themselves out, and then fall asleep with each other. I’ll catch them cleaning each other too.
My little boy! |
They both got fixed yesterday and that marks the time they are ready to get adopted! Well one of them got adopted sooner then the other as I officially am keeping Dexter. It was exciting to sign my name as the “Adopter” and call him my own little kitty. We’ll bring in Jackson tomorrow and we’re pretty sure he’ll get adopted right away. It’s weird to think he won’t be around, but I’ll be so happy he finds a good family. We might even get a few more kittens to foster before I have to go back to school.
The toy boys hamming it up on the window sill. |