Too often I saw someone that really resembled that one kid that I took biology with my freshman year in high school. Or like the one girl I worked with on an English project. It was weird that most of the people who I thought I saw were not even close friends of mine. I probably only talked to them maybe once or twice.
But now that I’m home, I’ve noticed that I’ve started to see people from college when I’m walking through the mall or waiting in line at a store. And, just like before, these are only mild acquaintances. I’m not quite sure what it means exactly, but I’m starting to think that something in my brain is making it seem like I’m surrounded my familiarity wherever I am.
I’ll be curious to see what happens when I return to school for my second year. Maybe I’ll stop recognizing people from home because I haven’t been in high school for a while; haven’t seen those faces in a while. Maybe I’ll finally be able to call my college the familiar.
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