Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's About Time

So this semester, I have decided to finally join the newspaper for my campus. I wanted to do it last year, but for some reason I never made my way to their meetings on Wednesday nights. But, with the encouragement from one of my residents (yes, it’s a two way street of support in my hall) we went with one of my friends.

For the next edition of the paper, I am planning on writing a story about being from California at a school in Connecticut. Sound a little familiar? So maybe it’s not the newest idea I’ve had (pauses to look over blog) but I think it’s a great point to start. It’s kind of like introducing myself to everyone.

The cool thing about our newspaper—called The Chronicle—is that even if your story doesn’t make it in the print edition, they post everything online. Once I’m officially published, I’ll be posting links to my stories so you all can check them out!

And yes, I realize that it's been a while since my last post. I'm going with the excuse that I've been really busy (because I have been really busy) and just haven't had any quality time to sit down and do this. It's difficult to write personally when I have homework to do and newspaper articles to write. Also, for one of my business classes, I've been asked to write a blog. So I'll be spending some of my time doing that. I have to post 4 times a week on a subject of my choosing. I'd just like to reflect that I don't even post 2 times a week--let alone 4--on this blog. We'll see how that goes. Here's a link to it: Erica's 20 Percent Time

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to reading your articles...and your blogs! Love you
