Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Snail-Mail: Love from Across the Country

Ever since Facebook and e-mail has gotten so popular, snail-mail seems to have been thrown out the window. But personally, I check my mailbox every day in hopes that something fun will be waiting. In fact, the mailman usually comes around 12ish so I’m probably going to go check it after I post this.

My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship and we love to send letters back and forth. It’s a great opportunity to say everything you want, without forgetting or being interrupted. Plus, classic love letters are so cute and romantic.

Also, last year, I made 6 very good friends (who I miss so much!). We knew that we’d keep in touch over Facebook and Skype and what not over the summer, but I made sure to get everyone’s addresses so that we could send each other letters and postcards.

Letters are so special for a few reasons:

1. They're handwritten and hand-designed which means you can add fun drawings or even confetti for a little twist.

2. You can keep them forever and look at them whenever you need a pick-me-up.

3. You can say things that you maybe wouldn't really say otherwise, like telling them how great a friend they are.

It’s great to kick it old school and send a special letter to one of your good friends.

And, whenever I would go somewhere cool—like Yosemite or San Francisco—I would pick up a handful of postcards and send them out.

The only downfall to letters is actually making the time to sit down and write them. They aren’t something you can do while multitasking. So put the technology away and grab a pen and cute piece of paper. (I have obnoxiously bright paper that I love, which makes it even more fun!)

Your friends will love getting mail from you and hopefully they’ll even send you something back!

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